(설치방법 안내_테스트필요)
0.리눅스 소프트웨어 패키지 저장소 업데이트
apt-get update
0. root 관리자 로그인
sudo passwd root
신규 패스워드 입력 > 엔터 > 재입력 > 엔터
패스워드 입력 > 엔터 > 좌측 커서가 @root…로 변경되면 Ok
1. Install VirtualBox, Vagrant, and Ansible.
apt-get install virtualbox vagrant
apt install python-pip
pip install ansible==2.9.10 jmespath
Vagrant must be at least version 1.9. Check your version with:
vagrant --version
2. Checkout the deployment repo:
git clone https://github.com/artefactual/deploy-pub.git
3. Download the Ansible roles:
cd deploy-pub/playbooks/archivematica-bionic
ansible-galaxy install -f -p roles/ -r requirements.yml
4. Create the virtual machine and provision it:
vagrant up
This will take a while. It depends on your computer, but it could take up to an hour. Your computer may be very slow while Archivematica is being provisioned - be sure to save any work and be prepared to step away from your computer while Archivematica is building.
If there are any errors, reprovisioning the VM often fixes the issue.
vagrant provision
5. Once it’s done provisioning, you can log in to your virtual machine:
vagrant ssh
You can also access your Archivematica instance through the web browser:
◦ Archivematica:
◦ Storage Service:
The credentials can be found in the vars-singlenode-qa.yml.
Deploy development branches
The previous section described how to deploy the latest stable Archivematica release.
Our Ansible role can also be used to deploy development branches, e.g. if you want to help us QA our product.
Download the roles defined in requirements-qa.yml:
cd deploy-pub/playbooks/archivematica-bionic
ansible-galaxy install -f -p roles/ -r requirements-qa.yml
Update singlenode.yml to load vars-singlenode-qa.yml. Inside the pre_tasks section, update the task include_vars as follows:
include_vars: "vars-singlenode-qa.yml" tags: "always"
Optionally, if you have a specific branch(es) that you want to deploy or other custom configuration needs, update vars-singlenode-qa.yml as needed. By default, we will deploy off branches qa/1.x (Archivematica) and qa/0.x (Storage Service).
Deploy the new configuration. If you’re using Vagrant, please run:
vagrant provision